All Will BowGenesis 41:17-42:17 Matthew 13:24-46 Psalm 18:1-15 Proverbs 4:1-6 "The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man...
Day 94: New ClothesZechariah 2:1-3:10 Revelation 13:1-13:18 Psalm 141:1-10 Proverbs 30:18-20 Here we go again with Satan the accuser, but this time it's in...
Day 93: Come. On.Zechariah 1:1-21 Revelation 12:1-17 Psalm 140:1-13 Proverbs 30:17 I'm intrigued by this name for Satan in Revelation 12, "the accuser of...
Day 89: Compassionate GodNahum 1:1-3:19 Revelation 8:1-13 Psalm 136:1-26 Proverbs 30:7-9 How interesting that Nahum's message was for Ninevah as well. It makes me...
Day 88: We cannot even ImagineMicah 5:1-7:20 Revelation 7:1-17 Psalm 135:1-21 Proverbs 30:5-6 Every time I go to read Revelation I think to myself, "This is it! This...
Day 85: Enjoying the BibleObadiah 1:1-21 Revelation 4:1-11 Psalm 132:1-18 Proverbs 29:24-25 As I'm in these prophetic books I'm frustrated, because it seems like...
Day 80: Just Like UsHosea 10:1-14:9 Jude 1:1-25 Psalm 127:1-5 Proverbs 29:15-17 Man, Hosea! Today was such a crazy day for me. I had to make a lot of phone...
Day 77: Not My people: but My peopleHosea 1:1-3:5 1 John 5:1-21 Psalm 124:1-8 Proverbs 29:5-8 In all my pictures so far in this blog, this picture probably most accurately...
Day 76: Breathing LoveDaniel 11:36-12:13 1 John 4:1-21 Psalm 123:1-4 Proverbs 29:2-4 "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one...
Day 73: Christmas Time is HereDaniel 8:1-27 1 John 2:1-17 Psalm 120:1-7 Proverbs 28:25-26 One of the nice things about working at a restaurant, at least so far for me,...