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To Pray More
2 Chronicles 1:1-3:17 Romans 6:1-23 Psalm 16:1-11 Proverbs 19:20-21 Just yesterday I was saying how happy I am to not have to worry about...
Birthday Wishes
Today is my birthday, but we celebrated last night. We had a spaghetti dinner with family, like always. We got a lemon berry cream cake...
Even Still
1 Samuel 1:1-2:21 John 5:1-23 Psalm 105:37-45 Proverbs 14:28-29 It's been 8 days since I've blogged and I feel like I've forgotten how. I...
"No One Goes Hungry"
Leviticus 19:1-20:21 Mark 8:11-38 Psalm 42:1-11 Proverbs 10:17 There's a lot I find confusing about the Law. There are rules and...
The Confession of Moses
Exodus 4:1-5:21 Matthew 18:1-20 Psalm 22:19-31 Proverbs 5:15-21 Imagine if someone who had deeply affected your life...someone who had...
Brave and Faithful
Genesis 13:5-15:21 Matthew 5:27-48 Psalm 6:1-10 Proverbs 1:28-33 If I'm being honest...if we're all being honest...desire is on our mind....

Thanksgiving Day
Today I am spending Thanksgiving with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins in Portland, Oregon. This trip has been long overdue as they have lived...
Day 63: Persevering Mary Ingalls
Ezekiel 42:1-43:27 James 5:1-20 Psalm 119:1-16 Proverbs 28:6-7 Growing up in the church and in Christian Education there are certain...
Day 62: What Doesn't Make Sense
Ezekiel 40:28-41:26 James 4:1-17 Psalm 118:19-29 Proverbs 28:3-5 For me in the book of James there are a lot of things that make total...
Day 61: Wisdom and Roller Coasters
Ezekiel 39:1-40:27 James 2:18-3:18 Psalm 118:1-18 Proverbs 28:2 Okay, wow. The past 24 hours I have felt so many emotions since...
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