Real Hope
As of late my way of decompressing after work is to eat take-out on my bed and binge watch "Jane the Virgin."
But yesterday I caught up on the reading. I had tacos, I read some of my C.S. Lewis book, I watercolored, I took a bath, ate an apple and went to bed early. I felt the depression melting away from just those healthier choices.

And best yet I read one of my favorite sections of Romans last night. Romans 12:12 has been my theme verse for 2018. It was a well-timed reminder to me yesterday. I have every reason to hope, every reason to believe God is faithful and working, and I am not alone, He is with me. I don't need to strive so much. It's the striving that drains me, it's the striving that makes life feel overwhelming.
I have everything I could possibly need. I am the older brother, I am the 99, because I once was the prodigal daughter and I once was the lost sheep. But He already came after me. He already pursued me and died for me. He already did. And now I have everything. I have the greatest treasure, I have the greatest hope. I have every reason for joy.
It doesn't always feel like it, and depression creeps in, and that's okay. But it's not the reality of my situation. The reality is I have absolutely everything already. I am never forsaken, God is with me always, and Heaven is my real life future destination.
I will pray
I will be patient
And I will rejoice because I have GREAT hope